The Story of Mama Sweet
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Mama Sweet...
was concieved in Norman, Oklahoma (home of the OU Sooners, Flaming Lips and a lot of other cool people). See, Aron Holt wrote a bunch of songs, Boyd, Nooch & Al wanted to play 'em and they made a band. Actually, there's a little more to the story...

The History
Aron & Nooch go way back to the fall of 2001, when our singer/songwriter hired the broke drummer to be a smoothie jockey at the Campus Corner Juice Stop. Sharing loves of wine, women & song, the two became fast friends. So one day, after catchin' some rays behind the Stop, Holt busts out the acoustic & starts beltin' these tunes. Well, the Nooch is goin' nuts sayin', "Dude, we've gotta play this stuff for people..."
Aron concedes that he's got this guitar player (Alan) that's wicked on the fretboard and has wanted to do something with said tunes for quite a while. A few beers later Aron, Alan & Nooch are woodsheddin' at Holt's place and lookin' for a bass player. As if on cue, local multi-instrumentalist Boyd walks in the door with a keyboard. He says (in his cool stoic manner), "I came by to offer my services."
The three say, "You play bass?"
...And that's just about it. After that point, the quartet just kept busy writin', rehearsin' and playin' shows.

Thanks to....
... everyone that comes out to support the Sweet! We love to see y'all get Mike Va-Dream, John McDouble-u, Rich Nordic, Blaine, Jason Myers, Micah Fenton & others that help us fly by the seat of our collective Sweet pants without sacrificing Tami, Lori & Tim for the soapboxes...ABSOLUTELY to Valerie Rains for all kinds of the blues and amplifiers for rock-n-roll...

We'd absolutely love to hear from you! Really!
Email Mama Sweet

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Red Dirt Cafe

The Deli

Norman Music Scene

Hosty Duo



Mama Sweet